Fractal Arts

Cheryl Lee Harnish is the internationally renowned intuitive author and artist of the best-selling Path of the Soul Destiny CardsDivine Guidance Oracle Cards and Return of Spirit Cards

Cheryl has become an inspiration to many, proving by example that if you trust and follow your Soul's calling, you can do anything.  She has become a motivational and heart-felt speaker, touching people's lives where ever she goes!

  • Seed of Love

          Seed of Love

          What if you were given the chance to change the entire course of your life? What if you were able to overcome a life-time of chronic depression and unrelenting beliefs that you had no path or purpose?

          What if the line between this reality and "the other side" vanished and you discovered a multitude of hidden gifts and abilities you never knew existed?

          During an astounding life-altering experience of Divine Light and Angelic presence, that is exactly what happened for Cheryl.

          Expect the unexpected in this profound true story that reaches beyond the paranormal to deliver a powerful and moving message of faith, hidden gifts and following the heart. It's a captivating and inspiring journey into the hidden realms of spirit, angels, the supernatural and destiny.

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        • Return of Spirit cards

                Return of Spirit cards

                The Return of Spirit Cards is the third deck in the best-selling series by Cheryl Lee Harnish!

                This deck focuses on the personal, emotional and daily challenges of life. The messages are three times longer than in the previous decks, providing in-depth detailed guidance and explanation. The booklet is now a paperback book in miniature size.

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