Wisdom of the Vampires (hc)

        Wisdom of the Vampires (hc)

        Wisdom of the Vampires is designed for those facing difficult decisions, upheaval in relationships or wishing to move away from draining careers, situations or people. Vampiric energies have often been feared and reviled, but today, the amazing creatures within these pages are proving to be allies from the most mysterious of realms, helping many humans through their own dark night of the soul.

        Full of wise guidance, ancient teachings, proven methods of protection, comforting advice and provocative challenges to our flawed perceptions, Wisdom of the Vampires offers a pathway through the darkest, most troubled times.

        Blue Angel Publishing
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          • SKU
        • Brand
          Blue Angel Publishing
        • AUTHOR
          Cavendish, Lucy & Becket-Griffith, Jasmine
        • PUBLISHER
          Blue Angel Publishing
        • PUBLISH DATE