
  • Money Draw - Soap

          Money Draw - Soap

          Natural olive oil soap with ground herbs (Sandalwood, Sarsaparilla and Cinnamon).

          No scented oils, tallow, urea or other ingredients.

          Size: 4.5oz

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        • Palo Santo - Soap

                Palo Santo - Soap

                Natural olive oil soap with ground herbs (Palo Santo).

                No scented oils, tallow, urea or other ingredients.

                Size: 4.5oz

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              • Super Sage - Soap

                      Super Sage - Soap

                      Natural olive oil soap with ground herbs (White Sage, Blue Sage, Angel Sage, Velvet Sage and Silver Sage).

                      No scented oils, tallow, urea or other ingredients.

                      Size: 4.5oz

                      Please or to buy this product.
                    • Blue Sage - Soap

                            Blue Sage - Soap

                            Natural olive oil soap with ground herbs (Blue Sage).

                            No scented oils, tallow, urea or other ingredients.

                            Size: 4.5oz

                            Please or to buy this product.
                          • White Sage - Soap

                                  White Sage - Soap

                                  Natural olive oil soap with ground herbs (White Sage).

                                  No scented oils, tallow, urea or other ingredients.

                                  Size: 4.5oz

                                  Please or to buy this product.